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Redefining Cloud Security in a Perimeter-Less World with Machine Identity Management


Cybersecurity for a long time revolved around the central idea of the classic network perimeter, driven by the theory—inside is trusted and outside must be verified. When the cloud burst onto the enterprise IT landscape, many organizations resisted cloud migration because it infringed on the traditional concept of the network perimeter. Moving data and applications outside the data center into the cloud meant no control over user access and data security.

Today, the enterprise IT landscape is undergoing a radical transformation. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has irrevocably altered workplace dynamics. Retail office spaces have closed doors and organizations have shifted to long-term remote work. To support modern workforce needs, organizations are rapidly moving data and applications to multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud environments. The once trusted network perimeter is slowly disappearing. And cloud security has yet again become a top priority for business leaders. Thankfully, cybersecurity has evolved significantly, shifting the focus from network to identity as the new perimeter. And, machine identity is the modern approach to cybersecurity in a perimeter-less environment.

Machine identity-driven solutions such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and CLM (Certificate Lifecycle Management) help organizations take complete control of all digital assets and enable secure online communication regardless of where they are located. This helps build a fluid and agile cybersecurity model that is identity-first and location-independent.
Join this webinar to understand how machine identity is redefining cloud security for today’s distributed and hybrid IT environments and helping organizations build cyber-resilience.